Auburndale Historic Resources
No buildings are currently landmarked in Auburndale. There are several potential historic districts
in Auburndale, including the rowhouses adjacent to St. Kevin's church on 193rd and 194th streets.
Also, the area west of Utopia Parkway is part of the Broadway-Flushing development and is
eminently eligible for National and State Register historic district status. Finally, there are a number
of individual buildings that are of landmark quality which should be considered for designation.
in Auburndale, including the rowhouses adjacent to St. Kevin's church on 193rd and 194th streets.
Also, the area west of Utopia Parkway is part of the Broadway-Flushing development and is
eminently eligible for National and State Register historic district status. Finally, there are a number
of individual buildings that are of landmark quality which should be considered for designation.